Thursday, December 15, 2016

Next Steps...Plans for 2017

We are really excited about what God has in store. We've been in a season of resting in God, listening and prayerfully awaiting our next assignment. During this time, we received three different invitations to consider as a next step and out of those one struck a deep chord in our hearts.

In November 2016, we interviewed with the orphanage ministry Casa Angelina, founded by Ivan and Kimberly Tait. Located in the mountains of Guatemala, it's home to 110 orphans and offers them safety, love and restorative nurture while modeling Jesus in every aspect of interaction.

The spiritual focus of the ministry -- "transforming orphans into Royalty" -- is evident in every way that they serve to restore the children to wholeness. And it resonated with what God has been speaking to our hearts this past year about ministering victory over a "pauper mindset" (as Kris Vallotton puts it) and teaching how to live and walk in authority as royalty in Christ Jesus.

The orphanage ministers comprehensively to the children but also gives back to the community through access to their on-site medical clinic and also by sponsoring abandoned widows who receive nutrition support, housing help, and monthly visits from the older orphans -- marginalized generations connected by God's plan.  

The children attend school on-campus from pre-school through high school, which is 6 grades beyond what public school provides in GuatemalaClassrooms are clean and brightly painted, with lots of resources and incentives. English is part of the education plan for each student., too.
Outside the classroom there are ample opportunities to develop practical life-skills. From agricultural skills in the on-site hydroponics vegetable pavilion and exterior garden, to learning culinary skills alongside the 5-star chef, or gaining leadership training by helping plan and deliver activities -- including VBS -- for the younger residents.

So, we are super excited for the opportunity that awaits us to serve wherever and however we are needed at Casa Angelina in 2017. 

Simply Serving,
Rod & De Ishmael

Support for our work in Guatemala may be sent payable to:

Crescent Lake Christian Center (CLCC)
1250 Saint Louis Ave.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

Memo: Ishmaels/ Guatemala
