Saturday, February 27, 2016

We Have Wheels!

Greetings to all! 
Huge Thank Yous to everyone for helping raise the funds for the purchase of a ministry vehicle here on the field. IT'S FINISHED!!  And a cool testimony of God being God.

Just before we left the states to come back to Guatemala, Rod told me that he felt the vehicle would "present itself" -- his exact words-- while we were in the Petén. Nonetheless, he did his due diligence of researching price, make/model, and age of used vehicles that fit the budget. It was looking like we'd have to go with a vehicle 8-9 years old or older to make the numbers work. Rod talked to some trusted local friends here to start the search, and also found a reputable car dealership that typically doesn't sell used vehicles. Still they were willing to help us in our search, and between all three sources we began test driving various vehicles to consider.

After several weeks of this process, and Rod continuing to research, he felt he should back off the pursuit and be content to wait, even if that meant we didn't buy a vehicle until we moved to the city for language school later this year. It wasn't two hours later that the rep at the dealership called to say a man they knew had called THEM wanting to sell his truck. The dealership had sold the man this vehicle brand new so they knew it had been well cared for and would be a good option for us. 

God provided -- not an 8-9 year old vehicle, but --  a 3 year old truck in excellent condition. It's a diesel 4x4, with new tires, low mileage and economic fuel consumption. AND ... the seller accepted our offer which which put it within our budget!! God knew what we needed and brought it to us at just the right time. Isn't that just hilariously awesome how God works. 

Man! Praise God for how He orchestrated all this. And THANK YOU for sowing into the work of ministry God has in store for us. Please keep us in prayer as we work this week alongside the visiting prosthetics team. 

We love you all and are blessed to be your hands and hearts...

Simply Serving,
Rod and De Ishmael

Crescent Lake Christian Center
1250 St Louis Ave
Excelsior Springs, MO 64924

Guatemala / Ishmaels