Monday, September 03, 2012

First Days on the Field

Our first day on the field was a hit-the-floor-running kind of day, packed full of greetings  from familiar faces, going over the need-to-know basics, and getting a quick overview of the status of the second story construction project at Hospital Shalom.

We were told temps have been 116 to 120 the past few weeks before we arrived, but that it has turned a little cooler.  (cooler?) … All we know is that total meltdown occurs by 9:00a.m., and there is no such thing as a cold shower because the "cold" water runs out of the faucet like it's coming straight from the water heater.

We are staying temporarily on the hospital campus in one of the efficiency apartments that the CLCC short-term team helped prepare. A new doctor on staff shares the apartment next to us. To know that some of our very own home church friends had a personal hand in making these living quarters a reality makes things feel a bit more like home. 

The most critical training point of our first day was learning how to manually start the back-up generator which suffers from a fried auto-relay switch. All of the missionaries on-site with Hospital Shalom help cover this critical task. Brown-outs and power failures happen daily and create life-threatening urgency when a surgery is in progress.Tim showed Rod where he wanted some battery-powered back-up emergency lights installed, and Rod finished that project later in the week.

There were three surgeries scheduled  – two simultaneously – on our first day, and you guessed it… the power went down. We didn't expect to see a live demonstration for switching to back-up power quite so soon, and they weren't kidding when they said RUN to the generator shed.

The 200 Amazing Gospel Comic books arrived safely and we love to make the rounds through the waiting area, handing out copies to whoever wants them. We love that Jesus is shared daily here through purposed prayer, through warm loving hearts, and through so many caring hands that minister His mercy and grace.

Thank you, once again, for letting us be YOUR hands extending the love of Christ here in the Peten.

Simply serving,
Rod & De

Prayer Points:
  1. Language. Language. Language! That we would rapidly gain understanding as we apply ourselves to our studies, so we can truly communicate with the people we encounter each day.
  2. That God would give us the words so that we will fearlessly make known the gospel, … (Eph. 6:19) 
  1. We found a furnished apartment by the end of our first week. God provided a brand new, never-before-lived-in, still-under-construction, second floor unit with a/c in the bedroom. How cool is that? It will be ready in 8-10 days.
  2. Navigating the transportation system with our limited language is going very well.
  3. Connections: We met a young, single female faith worker who is new to the area and getting established. We visited with her and listened as she talked out some important decisions she faced. A great time of sharing encouragement from the Word and praying with her.

If you would like to participate in what God is doing in Guatemala, click here.
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